What homeopathy has got to offer for YOU

5 REASONS WHY to use Homeopathy

1. Homeopathy is a system of natural healthcare that has been used worldwide for over 200 years.

2. Homeopathic is used by 450 million people throughout the world and remedies are becoming increasingly popular today as a complementary system of healing.

3. Homeopathy is used in both acute and chronic illnesses.

4. Homeopathy puts the patient at the center of their healthcare. Each homeopathic remedy is specifically matched to the patient. - This was one of the reasons WHY I turned to Homeopathy!

5. Homeopathy makes a positive contribution to integrated healthcare and it’s actually the second most common form of healthcare in the world today – and it’s growing.

 This system is all about YOU, helping YOU understand how YOU personally manifest the disease.

Conventional medicine would treat all diseases similarly, but a homeopath would treat these patients completely individually. They would look closely at all the different mental, emotional and physical symptoms and prescribe accordingly.

Homeopathy really comes into its own because it can be used in different ways, depending on your condition:

As complementary treatment 

Homeopathy is often a helpful treatment to use alongside allopathic treatment. For example, to manage side-effects of medication you are currently prescribed.

 For treatment of Traumas and acute care 

For example in first aid situations – Arnica for bruises, Apis for bee stings, Cantharis for burns.

 As a therapeutic treatment 

There are specific treatments for named diseases – for example, specific remedies for headaches, coughs, colds, or stomach ache.

And at least but not last for the treatment of chronic diseases 

This level is often linked to inherited conditions – the specific ways people express their disease.

“Homeopathy does not treat illnesses. Homeopathy rebalances your system by initiating your body to start healing itself. Through this process, resilience is raised and the health improves from within. A remedy just tells your body to start healing. Your body has its own energetic frequency and pattern that is like the director of an orchestra and is the current that connects all your cells, tissues, and organs in a harmonious and well-functioning whole. If there is a disturbance in this current our body systems and parts can’t work together properly we get disfunction and therefore unwellness. The homeopathic remedy nudges the conductor awake, so to speak. Just enough to get everything playing in tune again. It’s a very different way of looking at what is health from the medical system. But homeopathy can be used for any issue pertaining to your health. Its effectiveness depends on many outside factors and of course just like with receiving doctor’s treatment. Not all will always be helped by it. My question to your friend would be “Looking at your health situation now, with all the doctors’ advice you have followed, how much gain have you made over the years? Are you healthier now than when you started? Do you want to continue on this track?”

— Client PB



For example, a patient who is just not feeling well, but doesn’t have a named disease – how might they be treated? Often people end up on prescription drugs just in the hope that it can help.

Or what about someone with a chronic disease like eczema, arthritis or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)? They may have to take drugs to suppress symptoms, but not ever touch the CAUSE of the disease.

And the so often seen example of someone who has is taking prescription drugs but is suffering from nasty side-effects.

This is where many people turn to homeopathy for the first time, and where it can bring huge relief.

Homeopathy patients often report improved mood, calmer mind and body, more confidence and reflective, increased energy, better and deeper sleep, and emotional strength and joy quite soon after homeopathic treatment.

Stubborn symptoms might take a little longer to resolve, but the patient will have a sense that there is a move in the right direction.

While it is possible to buy homeopathic remedies and first-aid kits yourself and treat your friends and family – the deeper levels may need treatment from a qualified homeopath over a period of time.

This is why homeopathy is often described as very individualised. A homeopath would combine knowledge of specific diseases, with consideration of physical, mental and emotional symptoms, as well as other strange or peculiar symptoms.

DISCLAIMER: This communication does not provide medical advice. The information, including but not limited to, text, videos, graphics, images and other material contained in this communication are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this message is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this message or in materials or websites referred to herein. We do not recommend changing the dosage or discontinuing, any prescription medications or pharmaceutical drugs.

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***Let Homeopathy help YOU Shine***