Initial Consultation

​An initial homeopathic consultation lasts up to 90 minutes in order to obtain detailed information on the presenting problem than more general information on medical & family history, lifestyle, diet, sleep patterns, and personality type.

I sometimes prescribe at the appointment but will usually take the information provided and work on the case to establish the best-indicated remedy based on the individual information given and send it out to the patient within a couple of days of the appointment.

The number of pills prescribed will vary depending on the problem and it may be that just one dose will be considered sufficient to stimulate the body’s own healing process.

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Follow Up Consultation

A follow-up appointment is usually booked 4 weeks after the initial appointment and lasts 45-60 minutes. At this appointment, we assess the action of the remedy and whether we need to continue with the original remedy, prescribe a new remedy, or wait if there has been a good response. If, however, the patient needs to get in touch before the follow-up, I’m happy for my patients to contact me between appointments.

The number of follow-up appointments will vary depending on the complaint but I advise patients to plan for 3 sessions although it may be that more or less are required to resolve their particular issue.

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Homeopathy & Natural Health Clinic located in Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire, (address and directions are given upon booking). There is often plenty of roadside parking available.