painful periods

Painful Periods, Heavy Bleeding During and Between?

Menstrual pain that you get with your menstrual period is called Dysmenorrhea. Pain is the most common problem women have with their periods. More than half of women who have periods get some pain around their period are turning to homeopathy, this natural, gentle medical therapy that can successfully help you deal with these problems and others like heavy bleeding, cramps, periods that go on forever, horrible PMS symptoms like moodiness and cravings.

Do you suffer every month?


Are you one of those women who have these ‘healthy’ periods that cause you no problems?

What’s a healthy period?

The ideal cycle is 4-6 days.

Starts and ends with a bright happy cranberry, strawberry-like colour and is the consistency of jelly mix that hasn’t set yet (medium viscosity, not too thin, not too thick).

Occurs every 28-32 days.

With NO PMS, clots, period pains, headaches, anger, irritability, low energy, crying.

Many Causes?

There are many emotional, physical or pathological causes as well as dietary and lifestyle reasons why this cycle gets thrown off for us women.  The emotional causes can be emotional excitement, anger, fright, etc. The physical cause can be an injury or an exertion. And the pathological causes can be fibroids or endometriosis. Sometimes is a one or two-month situation, and sometimes cycle issues can last years.

I have to admit; I am one of those women with a great period that causes me no problems NOW! But, I didn’t use to be. Before I knew nothing about homeopathy; I didn’t even know it existed, my periods were a real pain in the a**. So, I get where you’re coming from.

What’s not ‘healthy’?


Has your period started?  What is that brown stuff exactly?  Should you count this day as day one?

That brown spotty stains are old oxidized blood that didn’t make it out of your uterus last cycle.  This is caused by low levels of progesterone.  You might find that your ovulation comes irregularly and may also develop irregular cycles due to other conditions.  Low progesterone is the trigger for many period-related problems.  Some medical conditions that can cause periods to get delayed include hormonal imbalance, thyroid disorders, pituitary tumours, and several other diseases including diabetes, liver dysfunction, celiac disease. Other contributing factors include being overweight/underweight, extreme exercise, stress, use of oral contraceptive pills. You may also struggle to ovulate regularly in addition to having the odd coloration and you may also develop irregular cycles, or PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome).

The top homeopathic remedies to treat delayed periods are Pulsatilla, Sepia, Natrum Mur and Conium, Lachesis and Graphites. Read about these remedies and see which one fits your symptoms best. Feel free to reach out if you need any help.


Are you changing your pad or tampon once an hour?  Do you have large clots that are dark purple in color?

Excessive bleeding during periods and prolonged periods continuing for more than a week are referred to as Menorrhagia. More likely, you have elevated oestrogen levels.  Oestrogen builds the lining of your uterus.  If you’re eating a diet that prevents your liver from breaking down this hormone, it can build up and wreak havoc on your cycle. In addition to the heavy bleeding and clots, you may also struggle with endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts, polyps, hypothyroidism or inflammatory conditions.

The top homeopathic remedies for heavy bleeding during periods are Sabina, Ferrum Metallicum, China, Borax, Cyclamen, Crocus and Hamamelis. Read about these remedies and see which one fits your symptoms best. Feel free to reach out if you need any help.


The medical term for Inter Menstrual Bleeding is Metrorrhagia. The causes include fibroid uterus, polyp in uterus, endometriosis, adenomyosis, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, malignancies, and menopause.

The top homeopathic remedies for bleeding between periods are Sabina = colour of blood = partly fluid and partly clotted caused by fibroids or menopause. Thlaspi the bleeding in between periods is accompanied by violent uterine pains that are colicky (start and stop abruptly) or cramping in nature. Large clots may pass along with the blood. The bleeding may also be accompanied by backache. Calcarea Carb the bleeding occurs due to uterine polyps and fibroid very frequently and is profuse. Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carb is of great help in stopping vaginal bleeding occurring from the slightest mental and emotional excitement. The woman experience excessive chilliness, especially cold feet, during the bleeding episodes. Read about these remedies and see which one fits your symptoms best. Feel free to reach out if you need any help.

There are 5 IMPORTANT things to ASK yourself ?????

WHAT is the colour of the blood, is it bright red, pale, dark or black?

WHAT is the fluidity of blood, is it fluid, clotted or both?

WHAT is your blood flow, is oozing, gushing or has any other form?

IS there any pain associated with bleeding?

ARE there any additional symptoms you are like nausea, vomiting, loose stool or headache you are experiencing alongside your period?

Causes of Spotting / Intermenstrual Bleeding

Although the reasons for irregular bleeding can vary according to individual health situations, pregnancy, birth control, vaginal trauma, uterine fibroids, polyps, urethral prolapse and infection are some of the more common causes.

WHAT does the colour of your period blood say about your Health?

Brown Dark – pregnancy, PCOS, Cervicitis, beginning and end of the period, low progesterone

Light Pink – Amenia, Weight loss, Perimenopause, low oestrogen, ovulation, unhealthy diet

Red cranberries or red strawberries = healthy

Missing period – Stress, pregnancy, Pill, PCOS, Amenorrhoea


“I have been seeing Lucie as a client for a few months now, and the positive impact of the homeopathic approach has honestly been nothing short of life changing.

I have suffered with unbalanced hormones, 8 days spotting before me period every month, hormonal spots on my chin, and also felt emotionally ‘stuck’ after experiencing 3 traumatic miscarriages.

Since seeing Lucie, my skin is glowing, my hormones have definitely become balanced, and I now no longer spot before me periods.

I have also felt like I have been able to emotionally move on, and it’s been exactly in timing with the homeopathic approach.

Each month when I see Lucie about various issues, it amazes me how very quickly the remedies work. For example, the spotting had been going on for 3 years, and it took one month to sort that.

As well as that, Lucie has an open, empathetic and very supportive way about her, making you feel in such safe hands. I could not recommend her more.”
— Rowena UK

If you have chronic long-lasting symptoms you might want to consider booking an individual consultation.

Chronic complaints usually do not happen in a vacuum and can be related to other issues arising from physical and emotional stress or hormonal imbalances.

An individual consultation would review all symptoms and guide you back to your best health and the right Homeopathic treatment plan.

If you would like individualised support to start your healing journey, book in for a free 15 min introduction chat or email me at

DISCLAIMER: This communication does not provide medical advice. The information, including but not limited to, text, videos, graphics, images and other material contained in this communication are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this message is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this message or in materials or websites referred to herein. We do not recommend changing the dosage or discontinuing, any prescription medications or pharmaceutical drugs.