
Are you Looking for an Alternative Natural Treatment to HRT?

The stages of a woman's life are marked by profound biological and hormonal changes, shaping not only her physical well-being but also her emotional and psychological state. Among these significant phases, perimenopause and menopause stand as crucial milestones, often surrounded by confusion, myths, and misconceptions.

Physically, you may notice changes in the irregularity of menstrual cycles, with periods becoming lighter or heavier, shorter or longer, and more or less frequent. Also, you might experience hot flashes, sleep disturbances, vaginal dryness, and decreased libido. Emotionally, mood swings are common during perimenopause, ranging from irritability and sadness to anxiety. Some women may also experience difficulty concentrating and memory lapses. Changes in hormone levels can contribute to these emotional fluctuations.

Navigating through these challenges can be incredibly overwhelming for us women. There are moments when we find ourselves wanting to escape from it all, burdened by a mix of emotions and physical discomfort. We often find ourselves tirelessly seeking answers and support to cope with these struggles, don't we?

How can homeopathy support you?

Understanding these transitions is essential for every woman and those around her, as it empowers individuals to navigate this natural process with grace and knowledge. Natural homeopathic medicines are of great help in dealing with various symptoms experienced by us women during menopause.

Homeopathic remedies used to treat these symptoms

Here I will give you information on the most common menopausal symptoms and the most common homeopathic remedies you can reach out for.

Hot Flushes

It is the most common symptom of menopause as about 80% of all women experience it when going through this period of life.

Lachesis Muta

The woman requiring Lachesis cannot bear tight clothing mainly around the neck or waist. The next sphere where Lachesis works wonders is depression during menopause. Here, it is indicated when there is an aversion to social interaction. There is a desire to run away from the world. The person is very talkative and can get easily jealous.


Sepia is beneficial when women suffer from intense hot flashes with fainting spells. The whole body gets drenched with sweat. Also, Sepia is recommended for managing vaginal dryness, decreased libido, and painful intercourse. Along with this females needing Sepia may feel a dragging or bearing down sensation in the uterus, feeling as if she has to cross her legs to hold it in. Sepia is well-indicated to manage weight gain during menopause. It is also beneficial to manage hair loss and headaches. Emotionally, Sepia women from being calm and gentle before menopause, she gets irritated at the slightest cause, and shows indifferent behaviour towards family.


Arsenicum Album

Arsenicum is for anxiety that is accompanied by feelings of restlessness, exhaustion, chilliness, worries about health issues and anxious moving from place to place. This remedy is needed if you desire for company and lots of reassurance.

Argentum Nitricum

Argentum Nitricum is a natural medicine for anxiety that links with anticipation, also known as anticipatory anxiety. Anticipatory anxiety means anxiety from constant thoughts about events that are about to take place in the future. The person tends to think constantly about the event until the final day. Diarrhea may set in during the anxiety phase. Hurriedness and impatience, and weakness in the legs are other associated symptoms


Coffea Cruda

This remedy helps to relax overexcitement and overactivity of the nervous system and helps to settle at night. Waking at every sound with nervous palpitations, finding it impossible to sleep if any slightest light is on.

Nux Vomica

Nux Vomica is helpful if the sleeping problems result from too much work, the rush of ideas, digestive troubles associated with irritability, and sleeplessness at 3 AM. Having anxious dreams about work and things that need to be done is the go-to remedy for you.


Staphysagria helps relieve sleeplessness and irritability caused by grief, repressed anger and vexation. Feeling sleepy all day and awake all night.

Weight gain& Weaking of Bones

Calcarea Carbonica

One of the main effects of menopause is the progressive loss and weakening of bones. Bone mass loss after menopause results in easy fractures and other symptoms related to osteoporosis such as backache and pain in bones. Calcare Carbinica helps in decreasing the loss of calcium from bones and also increasing its absorption from food. Also, this remedy is indicated for slow metabolism and having excess fat in the abdominal area.


It mainly suits women who remain sad, cannot tolerate cold air and suffer from long-term constipation.

Low Libido

Natrum Muriaticum

The usage of this remedy helps to promote hydration, helping in sexual intercourse.


Vaginismus, prolapse with a sinking feeling in the abdomen and aversion to sex due to a history of rape or sexual abuse.

Seeing a homeopath can help as the remedies can rebalance the hormones and relieve insomnia and the difficult symptoms you are experiencing.

I strongly advise against self-prescribing the above remedies, especially if you are looking to treat chronic (longer-lasting) conditions.
I'd love to have a conversation with you to provide a more detailed explanation of why I emphasize the importance of having a personalized treatment plan, overseen by a qualified homeopath.

Your well-being is my priority, and I'm here to guide you and address any questions you might have.

Feel free to reach out to me via email, or you can schedule a free 15-minute virtual video call introduction on Zoom. I'm more than happy to assist you.


General Lifestyle and Self-help Tips

* Taking a walk in nature regularly

* Doing regular exercises, implementing techniques like yoga and meditation to manage stress

* Ensuring adequate sleep

* Avoiding or minimising the use of alcohol

* Quitting smoking if you are habitual to it

* Increasing the intake of water, green vegetables, and fruits and minimise dairy and gluten

* Joining some perimenopause and menopause support groups

* Sharing your problems with a friend, family members or doctor and avoiding isolation


DISCLAIMER: This communication does not provide medical advice. The information, including but not limited to, text, videos, graphics, images and other material contained in this communication are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this message is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this message or in materials or websites referred to herein. We do not recommend changing the dosage or discontinuing, any prescription medications or pharmaceutical drugs.