Fed up with recurring infections?

Why do women suffer from cystitis more often than men?

Because they have a short urethra (the tube that passes from the bladder out of the body) and its opening is located very close to the anus making it easy for bacteria from the anus to reach the bladder and cause an infection. Additionally, it is important to mention that there are other causes that need to be taken into consideration that can contribute to the onset of cystitis. There is childbirth, from taking cold, other underlining infections, after the operation, injuries, hormonal changes, especially during pregnancy and menopause, emotional traumas and shocks, just to name a few!

Why consider Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine, meaning that it has its’ own philosophy, techniques, traditions, evidence, and therapeutic processes. This system is all about YOU, helping YOU understand how YOU personally manifest the disease.

For example, three different people may be complaining of cystitis, but their symptoms might present very differently. One may be suffering from water retention, dislike of the heat of any form along with a busy state of mind and yet another’s may be experiencing frequent and urgent need to urinate, but with an ability to pass only very little at a time with burning pain while passing urine with rather an irritable state of mind. Yet, another person who is rather a serious type, suffering from chronic cystitis may express the condition in the form of reoccurring headaches. This is why homeopathy is often described as very individualised. A homeopath would combine knowledge of specific diseases, with consideration of physical, mental, and emotional symptoms, as well as other strange or peculiar symptoms.

What symptoms you might be experiencing?

  • Greater urge to urinate more frequently and urgently, even if you pass little or no urine

  • Stinging or burning sensation sometimes before, during or just after or during all stages of passing urine

  • Strong smell, cloudiness of the urine with occasional blood

  • Pain or discomfort in the lower back or abdomen

  • Emotionally unstable, restless, irritable, and even fearful

How to differentiate between ACUTE vs CHRONIC cystitis for home prescribing?

Did you know that there are TWO main types of prescribing and treatment in homeopathy known as ACUTE and CHRONIC? Acute (short-term) episodes can be treated by YOU as the home prescriber or with the guidance of a Homeopath. This is for symptoms that are uncomplicated, simple or are new (less than 3-4 weeks). However, chronic reoccurring infections are strongly advised to be managed with a full consultation and a Professional Homeopath. This is for cases that are more long-term (more than 4 weeks since it started) and complex where you are experiencing many symptoms, repeatedly, or even more new symptoms and more serious health concerns as a result of the chronic manifestation.

How to treat Acute cystitis?

Here are some remedies that may help you:


Useful remedy if cystitis appears SUDDENLY and is VERY PAINFUL, often after a fright or exposure to cold. The urine may feel hot and burning. It is common for the symptoms to appear AFTER being exposed to cold weather or swimming in cold water. There is a sensation of pressure in the bladder and burning BEFORE urination. You are BETTER for fresh air, resting and warmth.


Helpful if you have a CONSTANT DESIRE to pass urine and the bladder never feels empty. This will help if you suffer from ago¬nising pain BEFORE, DURING, AND AFTER uri¬nation, with a sensation of PASSING BROKEN GLASS. The pain appears suddenly and can be violent and spasmodic. The urine is hot and red with blood in it. The symptoms are WORSE FOR COLD DRINKS and hear water running. You are like to feel irritable, restless, angry, and feeling too warm.


This medicine is given when there is intense chilliness and pain is WORSE WHILE PASSING URINE. The person feels very irritable with cystitis. There is a constant urge to urinate and a sense that the bladder is full although tiny amounts of urine are passed each time. You always feel BETTER AFTER URINATING and WORSE VERY EARLY IN THE MORNING which may disturb your sleep. You are chilly and better after a warm bath. You are feeling irritable and even be left on your own.


This is often prescribed for HIGHLY EMOTIONAL AND CHANGEABLE shy young females. As their fluid intake is small they are more prone to urinary tract infec¬tions. This remedy is also prescribed for older women who are soft and yielding in character. They have a TENDENCY TO CRY WHILE TELLING THEIR STORY and evoke sympathy in the listener. The pain is WORSE WHEN URINATION IS DELAYED and after urination. The symptoms are changeable and the urine tends to spurt out.


This medicine is used for infection when the PAIN COMES ON AFTER URINATION. There may be some BLOOD IN THE URINE and severe symptoms of cystitis. Sufferers usually find it is easier to pass urine WHILE STANDING UP and there is a tendency to urinary retention.


Sepia is suitable for RECURRENT URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS, especially when there is a history of lots of ANTIBIOTIC USE AND THRUSH. The woman often loses her libido, because sex is painful and she fears cystitis may result. The patient is often worn out by the recurrent infections, so exhausted by the struggle to keep going that she CRIES WHEN EXPRESSING HERSELF. Genital herpes may also be present.


HONEYMOON CYSTITIS responds well to this remedy, as do urinary tract infections that come on AFTER pelvic examination, operation, or labor. It is prescribed where there is SUPPRESSED ANGER AND GRIEF. The anger is hidden, the person appears mild-tempered and gentle, yet there is often a history of abuse or deep sorrow. Cystitis occurs after sex and the pain is FELT DURING AND AFTER URINATION.

How to self-prescribe?

  • Read up on the remedies and see which best describes your symptoms of cystitis.

  • I would suggest trying a 30c up to 3 x daily for 7 days to see if there is any improvement.

The remedies are natural and can be used safely alongside medication. If you have any specific queries, please do feel free to get in contact. An individual consultation would review all symptoms and guide you towards the best individualised treatment for YOU.

Homeopathy is helpful in building up the constitution and so reducing the risk of recurrent attacks of cystitis. A homeopath will take a detailed history to ensure that a suitable homeopathic medicine is prescribed.

If you have been suffering from recurring chronic cystitis you might want to consider booking an individual consultation. Chronic infections usually do not happen in a vacuum and can be related to other issues such as stresses, hormonal changes, or a history of injuries. It is important to identify the underlying causes and then treat them to reset your body towards a happier, healthier, and more balanced YOU again!

Below is a story of a lady who reached out for help after having to deal with over 20 YEARS of recurring infections, one of which was cystitis. It’s never too late to try Homeopathy!


Truly inspiring story!

“I have been seeing Lucie for seven months and she has successfully treated me for persistent infections as well as factors that have arisen from long-term use of antibiotics.

She is very thorough and committed to finding the appropriate solution for my needs.

Lucie is easy to talk to and has an empathetic approach. I find the atmosphere in which she works very calming and suitable for close discussions. I would not hesitate to recommend trying homeopathic treatment with Lucie, as for me I had come to "the end of the line" with the conventional medicine offered to me over the years.”

-Heather, Client-

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***Let Homeopathy help YOU Shine***

DISCLAIMER: This communication does not provide medical advice. The information, including but not limited to, text, videos, graphics, images and other material contained in this communication are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this message is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this message or in materials or websites referred to herein. We do not recommend changing the dosage or discontinuing, any prescription medications or pharmaceutical drugs.