Individualised Health

YOUR Sleep – from insomnia, fatigue, anxiety to refreshing mornings again

Our quality of sleep can have a huge impact on how we function on a daily basis; from our productivity levels, to how we manage stress. You might find it difficult to get to sleep initially, have trouble staying asleep, wake up too early, or just awake unrefreshed from a night of tossing and turning.

It is often difficult to pinpoint an exact cause and there are likely to be several contributing factors. The prominent ones are physical accidents, fatigue, emotional disturbance like anger, grief, fright, anticipation, overuse of stimulants like coffee and alcohol, as well as a huge number of medical reasons (like heart diseases, breathing disorders, thyroid problems, and rheumatoid arthritis, menopause just to name a few). Insomnia is also one of the major concerns in elderly people.

How can homeopathy help you fix it?

Homeopathic medicines are of great help in the treatment of Insomnia, have no side effects, and work to strike out the root cause of Insomnia. Homeopathic remedies are very beneficial in both inducing sleep as well as improving the quality of sleep. What’s more, Homeopathic remedies for insomnia do not cause any psychological or physical dependency. Once the problem has been resolved, one can gradually stop the medication, or take it intermittently, if needed. Homeopathy also works especially well for chronic sleep issues and can help resolve the problem for good. You can try to use these well-known natural remedies to help you get to sleep more easily.

For a more long-term approach, it is best to consult with a professional homeopath to find an individual remedy for you, which we homeopath called a constitutional remedy.

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Homeopathic Remedies for Sleep


Sleeplessness anxious dreams hot restless tossing caused by emotional trauma, shock, or accident.


Insomnia arising from grief and depression. The person needing Ignatia is sad and full of cares and worries, entirely absorbed in profound grief that leads to sleeplessness. Other attending features are a desire to be alone, tearfulness, and sadness with deep sighs. The person keeps thinking about the sad occurrences in the past. Excessive brooding, moaning, and an indifferent behavior to everything may also be present.


The coffea patients can be highly sensitive, nervous, and overreactive. Insomnia arising from constant thoughts in mind. The person remains restless at night and experiences sleeplessness, tossing from side to side. Palpitations and nervousness may also be present. Coffea Cruda is also well indicated for early waking from sleep (usually around 3:00 am) with difficulty in falling asleep again.


A great remedy for nervous people with low stamina who get too tired then has insomnia. The person often goes to sleep at first but awakens suddenly.


There can be great drowsiness. Profound Coma. Sleep too heavy, sleepiness during the day nervous restlessness sleepless drowsy at first sleepless after.


An important medicine for disturbed sleep resulting from frightful dreams. The person wakes suddenly with a start, and beweeping or fearful. These episodes occur several times at night resulting in disturbed sleep. The person is sleepless till about 2:00 am. Sleeplessness from illusions of sight and hearing is another indication for using homeopathic medicine Chamomilla. The person may be highly irritable and sleepy during the day.


Insomnia from stress and worries, sleeplessness mainly during the latter part of the night, excessive yawning, a sad, gloomy disposition, extreme fatigue both on a mental and physical level, and sudden waking from sleep in children due to night terrors


A very useful medicine for insomnia when sleeplessness occurs during the second half of the night. A person requiring Nux Vomica has no trouble falling asleep, but wakes up around 3:00 am – 4:00 am after which sleep becomes difficult. During daytime, intense drowsiness, tiredness and weakness appear. Nux Vomica also works in cases where sleep is not sound, and the person often wakes from sleep. It also treats sleeplessness linked with an excessive intake of coffee or alcoholic stimulants or tobacco. Sleeplessness due to gastric troubles is also an indication for using homeopathic medicine Nux Vomica.

Are you suffering from recent Insomnia?

Below is a guide on how to self-prescribe ACUTE homeopathic remedies:

· Read up on the remedies and see which best describes your sleeplessness.

· I would suggest trying a 30c for 7-14 nights to see if there is any improvement.

· Take the remedy 30 minutes before bed if you have trouble drifting off to sleep.

· If you get 2-3 nights of good sleep, stop the remedy. Only restart if you experience sleeplessness again.

· The remedies are natural and can be used safely alongside medication. If you have any specific queries, please do feel free to get in contact.

Chronic Insomnia

If you have chronic insomnia you might want to consider booking an individual consultation.

Chronic insomnia usually does not happen in a vacuum and can be related to other issues arising from physical and emotional stress or hormonal imbalances.

An individual consultation would review all symptoms and guide you back to your best sleep and health.

Our hormones and Sleeplessness

The pineal gland produces the hormone Melatonin in the body which regulates sleep and wakefulness. This gland is inactive during the daytime. When it grows dark, the pineal gland activates and starts producing melatonin to release it in the blood. Following its release, a person begins to feel less alert and sleepy. Detection of light and dark by the retina of eyes influences the production of melatonin.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter (brain chemical). It is the chemical that creates a state of wellbeing and happiness; it regulates emotions, mood, social behavior, appetite, and digestion. It is the precursor for melatonin and plays an important role in regulating sleep cycles. Low serotonin levels are linked to sleep disorders, including insomnia. And even depressed mood, poor memory, poor self-esteem, and anxiety.

Dopamine has a role to play in sleeplessness by stopping the effects of norepinephrine. Norepinephrine is a hormone that is involved in controlling the making and release of melatonin. The dopamine’s inhibiting effects on norepinephrine leads to decrease making and release of melatonin effects. Low melatonin keeps the person awake.

What would refresh and good sleep mean to you?

If you would like individualised support to start your healing journey, book in for a free 15 min introduction chat or email me at

***Let Homeopathy help YOU Shine***

“I am able to eat and enjoy my food again with very minimal digestive issues.
No longer need coffee in my life! I have been able to get involved in daily activities without having to need to rest or nap. What a change for me! I can plan more things in my day!
I stopped taking Metalonin as sleeping fine with homeopathy.
It’s been an extremely stressful week, even though I NO LONGER feel anxious and stress. That seems like a step in the right direction.”
— Nicola

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DISCLAIMER: This communication does not provide medical advice. The information, including but not limited to, text, videos, graphics, images and other material contained in this communication are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this message is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this message or in materials or websites referred to herein. We do not recommend changing the dosage or discontinuing, any prescription medications or pharmaceutical drugs.